Madara Vs Sukuna: Comparing The Two Legendary Villians Of All Time

If there is any true successor to Naruto anime, then it probably would be Jujutsu Kaisen.

Just like Naruto, JJK is filled with its own share of powerful protagonists and antagonists.

In fact, in both anime, the main antagonist is so powerful that they would eat some regular characters for breakfast.

We all know the main villain in Naruto was Madara. But if you aren’t familiar with JJK verse then let me tell you the main villain in the anime is Sukuna.

After seeing the legendary skills of both characters, I have one question in mind: Who would win if both characters decided to fight with one another?

Madara vs. Sukuna—even the sound of this fight sounds legendary. So, today, let’s compare both characters and find out who will win this fight.

For the sake of this fight, we would take the most powerful form that they have ever achieved in their respective anime.

In Madara’s case, it was back when he became the ten-tailed Jinchuriki and entered the six-path mode.

And for Sukuna, we would like to take the form he achieved after capturing Megumi’s body.

Spoilers Alert!! Sukuna consuming Megumi isn't known to the anime fan yet. It's revelation was only done in Manga.

Ok, now let’s start the fight!!!!

Both Sukuna And Madara Are Insanely Strong

First, let’s compare the physical strength of both of these characters.

We all know how insanely talented Madara is in Taijutsu. According to anime, out of all the Uchiha he was the strongest Taijutsu user.

My guy Madara humbled Five Kages without even achieving his full power. This was the biggest proof of how physically strong he was.

But here, I would like to give a little edge to Ryomen Sukuna. He has been around in the universe for more than 1000 years.

His raw power surpasses any humans in the entire JJK verse.

The king of the curses is master when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. In anime, he even managed to destroy the entire roof of the building just by the use of his strength.

Even the protagonist, Yuji, who is known for his insane physicality, struggled in combat. During the fight, Sukuna sent him from one building to another just by punching him in Manga.

Even though Madara is strong, he will probably lose if he can’t use his Sharingan.

Thus, Sukuna takes the lead in this one.

So, the score is 1 for Sukuna and 0 for Madara.

Madara’s Rinnegan Vs Sukuna’s Dismantle and Cleave

Now, let’s compare the power of both our antagonists.

Madara was the most powerful uchicha to ever exist in shinobi. Before dying he managed to awaken his Rinnegan as well.

And here we are talking about the six path Madara. This version of him has all the powers that Nagato Uzumaki had.

He was also able to heal from any type of injury and had access to truth-seeking orbs.

These orbs allowed Madara to defend himself. It also gave Madara the power to make anything and everything a weapon.

And if anybody even touched those orbs, they would’ve ultimately turned into the dust,

Moreover, due to his extensive experience, this powerful shinobi had knowledge of every Ninjutsu and Genjutsu that existed.

He even had the infinite tsukoyomi, which basically means he could trap the entire world in genjutsu.

Now, that’s some serious power.

But that didn’t mean Sukuna was any less powerful. As the King of the curses, he had an immense reserve of cursed energy.

Furthermore, he had great control over that cursed energy. While battling with Jogo, we saw him using the fire energy better than anyone else.

But his main attack is dismantle and cleave which allowed him to cut his opponent into 1000 pieces.

And here we are talking about the Sukuna who has taken over the body of Megumi. This has allowed him to use all of Megumi’s Shikigami as well.

However, if he ever battled against Madara, he is bound to lose that battle. Simply because there is only a limited number of power with Sukuna.

But with six paths, Madara got an infinite number of powers to humble Sukuna.

So this battle goes to Madara, and the score is 1 all.

Madara Vs Sukuna On The Basis Of Endurance And Speed

Only power and physicality aren’t enough to win the tough battle. One has to be able endure the pain as well.

And when the opponent starts slacking, they need to be quick enough to launch their attacks,

In this case both Madara and Sukuna are actually quite strong.

Madara’s endurance was quite apparent when he fought Naruto and Sasuke. The unparalleled god of the shinobi world faced both Rasengan and Chidori and yet survived.

Even after getting seriously hurt, he regenerated himself in no time.

Prior to that, he even battled against Might Guy, who had opened the 8th inner gate. Madara was able to match the speed of Guy in that level.

However, Sukuna is also a character who can endure massive amount of attacks. And we all know the regenerating skills of Sukuna is better than anyone from any anime.

My guy Sukuna was able to achieve Gojo’s speed in his strongest form, and that is no joke.

But, later, we came to learn that after the fight with Gojo, he wasn’t able to recover easily.

Due to this fact, Madara won the battle quite quickly.

And the score is 2 Madara 1 Sukuna. So the winner of this battle is Madara.

But hey keep in mind that this is wholly my interpretation and if Sukuna was actually in his actual body with his full 15 fingers. Then there is a high chance that Sukuna might even win this battle.

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